• Outstanding care
    for all hand, wrist & elbow conditions
  • Outstanding care
    for all hand, wrist & elbow conditions
  • Outstanding care
    for all hand, wrist & elbow conditions
  • Outstanding care
    for all hand, wrist & elbow conditions


  • Avoid Surgery' For Most Cases Of Common Wrist Fracture In Young People, Urge Researchers

    A study led by University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust has found that plaster casts are just as effective at healing scaphoid waist fractures in the wrist as surgery.

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  • Advice from a Certified Hand Therapist: Joint Protection

    Throughout our lifetime joints can be stressed during activities like carrying a grocery bag, wringing out a washcloth, or twisting off a bottle cap. These activities can stretch ligaments and wear out cartilage in your joints resulting in inflammation and pain. There are simple strategies you can use to protect your joints which will reduce pain during daily tasks.

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  • 5 exercises to improve hand mobility

    If you find daily tasks difficult to do because you suffer from stiffness, swelling, or pain in your hands, the right exercises can help get you back in motion.

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  • 7 Ways to Test for Tennis Elbow at Home and in Office

    Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, develops when the forearm muscles that connect to the outside of your elbow become irritated. This can cause pain and tenderness that’s usually located on the outside (lateral) part of the elbow. There are several simple tests you can do to determine if you have tennis elbow. You can do most of these tests on your own, but a few do require the assistance of a doctor or medical professional.

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  • How to Stop a Painful Elbow From Messing With Your Life

    Do you have pain on the outside of your elbow that won’t seem to go away? If so, you could have tennis elbow — even if you’ve never swung a racket. And, if you’ve been bothered by it for more than a month or so, it’s a good idea to get it checked.

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  • Elite-level video gaming requires new protocols in sports medicine

    Study authors note multiple health issues including blurred vision from excessive screen time, neck and back pain from poor posture, carpal tunnel syndrome from repetitive motion, metabolic dysregulation from prolonged sitting and high consumption of caffeine and sugar, and depression and anxiety resulting from internet gaming disorder.

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  • Elbow (Olecranon) Bursitis: Signs and Treatments

    People may notice elbow bursitis as a squishy lump on the back of their elbow. Often this seemingly appears out of nowhere, or they may remember something that led to the onset of their symptoms.

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  • Trigger finger: 7 home remedies

    Trigger finger is a condition in which a person's finger locks or catches if they try to straighten or bend it. Depending on the condition's severity, doctors will recommend either surgical treatments, medications, or some home remedies.

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  • A smart artificial hand for amputees merges user and robotic control

    Scientists have successfully tested new neuroprosthetic technology that combines robotic control with users' voluntary control, opening avenues in the new interdisciplinary field of shared control for neuroprosthetic technologies.

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  • Physical Therapy for a Colles' Fracture

    A Colles' fracture is a break in the radius bone, one of the bones of the forearm near the wrist. The fracture usually occurs if you fall onto your outstretched hand.

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  • American Society for Surgery of the Hand
  •  American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • North Shore-LIJ Health System
  • Harvard University
  • Northwell Ortho Institute
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